Solution Architecture

We develop our simulators based on architecture modular approach.We extract everything that can be reused in other simulators or in the same simulator as a reusable module. Owing to this our approach allows us to develop a new simulator or extend the existing one rapidly, with minimal efforts, costs and terms.

Using this approach with each new simulator developed our architecture became more robust and reusable, owing to the minimization of new projects costs and terms.


So, here you can see all the modules which the FMS simulator consists of. All of them are clickable and you can read about them after clicking on a correspondent section.

You can see our approach to the simulation development from our architecture diagram. Each of the simulators contains architecture blocks that can be reused in new simulators. You can read about each of these blocks in “Our Technologies” section.

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A little note about our Distributed Data Bus. We have developed our Data Framework (Plasticine). So all our simulator modules are data-driven. When on some computer on the network a property of an object changes, due to Publisher/Subscriber approach, the data model will change on all other computers when these data are necessary (only subscribed data for minimization of network traffic). This happens through our Distributed Data Bus automatically and transparent for a developer. Changes in data will produce necessary events and all modules will reacts to data changes. So, we have a data-driven approach: when data change somewhere, this is synchronized automatically and affects the required modules on all required computers in the simulation network. Please note that for a 3rd party simulators a clean HLA (or other interoperability protocol, like DIS, on customer’s request) approach is supported  too, not only Data-Driven approach using our or other Data Framework.

Such approach as described in the architecture diagram leads to drastic minimization of development efforts and costs. As all synchronization and data-related codes have been written before and located in Distributed Data Bus, all other reusable codes are located in the simulator modules developed before, simulator developers have to write only a code of specific simulator logic. So, a smaller amount of simulator developers and less time are required for developing software for a new simulator.

