Here you can see flight of helicopter. So, gamepads are used here to control the flight, and helicopter devices are visualized on 2D view. But this code also is using with motion platform and hardware controls interactions
As we have expertise in production of FMS simulators we also can develop Computer Based Trainings or software for Training Procedure Devices for cost effective trainings. Under Training Procedure Devices we mean a simplified (in comparison with FMS) computer appliance with or without cockpits or motion platforms for crew members to practice flight procedures. So, we can make less expensive training solutions based on low-fidelity hardware but still with high-fidelity software.
For flight procedure trainers we can develop, for example, a non-board devices trainer which truly models on-board systems behaviour. Please, refer to section On-Board services for more details about our experience in development of such modules.
We can also develop a low cost flight trainer with computer display that has an adequate aero-dynamic model. Please, refer to section aerodynamic. Besides we can use our AI to simulate own and alien units for adjustment of trainee’s skills.
You can leverage all high-fidelity software possibilities of Full Mission Simulators in Computer Based Trainings / Training Procedure Devices and we can develop it for our clients.
Here you can see editor of flight trajectories for computer-in-the-loop aircrafts. Instructor prepares way points with heights, coordinates, speed of aircraft etc. AI calculates trajectory depending on parameters of aircrafts, distance to ground etc.
Development of Staff Officer Tactical Trainers, Command & Control Simulators: planning mode, what-if analysis of tactical decisions, on-map drawings, support of different military branches etc.
Here you can see in 3D attack of mechanized infantry as part of tactical simulator for officer’s staff. This formation is led by Artificial Intelligence that is part of our Virtual Reality solutions.
Here you can see visualization of formation fight. Blue forces has the orders to attack, red forces – to defense. You can see giving real time orders for blue forces to attack with moving into position and you can see an order for red forces to march to new positions.
Under the map there is virtual world where each unit is modelled simultaneously and it acts due to mission tasks led by artificial intelligence.
Here you can see AI logic that is used for infantry behavior modelling. Infantry try to reach the mission task: attack. So, they run перебежками, and laying down after few steps, to be less targattable for enemy units. They try to optimize the ammunition as it is limited and shoot only when target is in shooting range and can be damaged by current weapon and ammunition type. When there is a hill slope, soldier don’t lay down in the grass, but sitting on his knee.
Displaying current modelling parameters.
This window displays states of Hydraulic and AI-9 Engine on-board systems at Instructor Operating Station. Also using this window instructor can introduce on-board systems malfunctions.
Here you can see modelling of flight of airplane and helicopter due to their mission tasks and flight dynamics that is calculated due to mission points.
This 2D and 3D views for Instructor Operating Stations displays current states of in-cockpit controls and goggles.
Work of on-board systems on 2D view.
Geospatial related development: using a map for dynamic air and ground environment visualization, for editing environment etc.
Here you can see editor of flight trajectories for computer-in-the-loop aircrafts. Instructor prepares way points with heights, coordinates, speed of aircraft etc. AI calculates trajectory depending on parameters of aircrafts, distance to ground etc.
Here is the airdrome 3D environment for pilots can study to taxing, takeoff and landing using visual approach.
Here you can see relief of terrain that is used in model. This relief is taken from SRTM elevation data and corresponds to terrain in this region.
Here you can see city blocks automatically generated from digital vector map data using typical for this region 3D models. Roads are automatically generated too due to digital vector map.
Here you can see restoration of one of real-world city using digital vector maps, terrain imagery, 3D models library and SRTM elevation map. You can see a roads, river in the top-right, city blocks and bush / tree areas that are generated automatically from correspondent vector map. Airport environment in bottom left was added manually.
Cultural objects are added to map using 3D models developed by our team.
For example, you can see relief tied to vector map. When you move mouse over the map, current geographical coordinates and elevation under the mouse is displayed. As elevation of water object is the same you can see elevation doesn’t change when you move mouse over the map. Note, all geographic coordinates are changed for demo purpose and don’t correspond to real world coordinates
Here you can see AI logic that is used for infantry behavior modelling. Infantry try to reach the mission task: attack. So, they move by bounds, and laying down after few steps, to be less targattable for enemy units. They try to optimize the ammunition as it is limited and shoot only when target is in shooting range and can be damaged by current weapon and ammunition type. When there is a hill slope, soldier don’t lay down in the grass, but sitting on his knee.
Here is the airdrome 3D environment for pilots can study to taxing, takeoff and landing using visual approach.
Here you can see configuration of airport environment, such as runway, radio equipment, traffic pattern etc. Each unit can be configured using their own parameters that are taken into account during simulation.
Here you can see modelling of flight of airplane and helicopter due to their mission tasks and flight dynamics that is calculated due to mission points.