This is an editor that allows its operator to change the characteristics of every object in the simulated environment. With this editor you can change, for example, any parameter of a helicopter in FFS simulator, or the ballistic parameters of a definite type of bullets for M16 riffle for the Command & Control simulator, etc.
All editor pages, forms, tabs and fields are generated automatically based on the object metadata. This is caused by using an automatic form generation module based on our Plasticine framework (see Self Made Data Framework (Plasticine)). With this approach and only defining new object types or characteristics in the data framework admin tool, you will get new forms of form fields in the characteristic editor.
For example, for the Command & Control simulator a new object type Helicopter Mi-24 has been created in data framework admin tool for AI based modelling. Automatically this new object type will appear in the list of types in the characteristic editor, with a corresponding form that contains tabs and parameter fields as they were defined in the metadata in data framework admin tool.